



  • Classical Conditioning: Ivan Pavlov, John B Watson

- Discovered by accident by Ivan Pavlov, in his experiment with his dog, he noticed that dog salivated when it saw a person brought its food before the food was given

- John B Watson focused on stimulus and response

Terms in Classical Conditioning

Neutral Stimulus (NS): external stimulus that does not ordinarily cause a reflex response

Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): a stimulus that evokes an unconditional response before conditioning

Unconditioned Response (UCR): an under reaction to unconditioned stimulus before previous conditioning

Conditioned Stimulus (CS): previously neutral then has true conditioning acquire ability to evoke a condition response
Conditioned Response (CR): learn reaction to a condition stimulus that occurs because of previous conditioning


Before Conditioning
Bell -> no relevant response (means: no salivation)
Meat -> salivation

During Conditioning
Bell + Meat -> Salivation

After Conditioning
Bell -> Salivation

reference: Course Manual (Learning in Young Children, Najihah Akeb-Urai, International Islamic

  • Operant Conditioning: B. F. Skinner

- Reinforcement: refers to any action that increase the probability of response or behavior
- Positive reinforcement: increasing of the rate of response when a stimulus is presented
example -> verbal praise, a token (such as sticker)

- Negative reinforcement: increasing the rate of response when a stimulus
example -> Amir is told to leave the class when he make noise

- Punishment: decreasing the rate of response when a stimulus is presented


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