- Background
- born at Neuchatel, Switzerland on 1896- a professor of medieval literature at University of Neuchatel
- was a biologist who studied molluses, then moved into the study of the development of children's understanding
- died on 1980
- Piaget's Theory
- identifies 4 developmental stages:
1- sensorimotor stage
2- preoperational stage
3- concrete operations
4- formal operations
[Sensorimotor Stage - birth until 2 years old]
- the child builds a set of concepts about reality & how it works through physical interactions with his/her environment
- a child does not know that physical objects remain in existence even when out of sight
[Preoperational Stage - 2 until 7 years old]
- the child need concrete physical situations and not yet able to conceptualize abstractly
[Concrete Operations - 7 until 11 years old]
- the child starts to conceptualize, creating logical structures that explain his/her physical experiences
- abstract problem solving is possible at this stage
[Formal Operations - 11 until 15 years old]
- the child's cognitive structures are like those of an adult and include conceptual reasoning
- Piaget's Cognitive Learning Theory
1- Schema
- expressed in the form of action, language, thinking, opinion, or idea that represent characteristics of individual behavior
- Piaget: change in children schema is actually the result obtained from learning
2- Adaption & Equilibration
- adaption is a process of change in schema so as to meet the requirement of a certain situation
- the process of adaption is a learning process
3- Assimilation & Accommodation
- Piaget: Adaption covers 2 forms which is assimilation and accommodation
- depend on decision involving the individual's cognitive schema
- Implications of Piaget's Theory in teaching & learning process
- learning content arranged to the children's level of cognitive development
Concrete -> Abstract
- learning is changing behavior
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