- Definition
- Emphasizes the important of culture and context in understanding what occurs in society
- Theories of: Vygotsky, Bruner, Albert Bandura
- Reality is constructed through human activirty
- Knowledge is a human product, socially & culturally constructed
- Learning as social process
- General perspectives of Social Contructivism on learning
1) Cognitive tools perspective
- focuses on learning of cognitive skills & strategies
2) Idea-based social contructivism
- set priority on important concepts in various discipline in science
3) Pragmatic / emergent approach
- assert that implementation of social constructivism in class should be emergent as the need arises
4) Transactional / situated cognitive perspectives
- focuses on the relationship between the people & their environment
- Vygotsky's Constructivism
- Social interaction in development of cognition
- ZPD: provide scaffolding
- Piaget's Constructivism
- Knowledge is actively constructed
- Theory on how a child's thinking evolves over time
- Focus on learning stages
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